DON BOSCO SCHOOL (2015-2017)
Step 1: Modernization of the Don Bosco School, equipping with state-of-the-art technology (smart interactive boards), training and rehabilitation of educational components (school administration, students and parents), and moving to modern school system. This required the completion of a new infrastructure, independent of the former, and the installation of interactive boards in all grades from kindergarten till the ninth grade.
Step 2: Carrying out legal procedures that allow the addition of a secondary education stage in the school which was previously confined to the supplementary stage, while maintaining the license of the school as a technical education institute to benefit from professional courses specializing in professions, letters, languages, music, and arts that we can gradually activate for the Don Bosco Monastery to become the leading educational institution for science, professions, and crafts.
Step 3: Launching the Don Bosco Cultural Centre. From Don Bosco's mission, we have taken upon ourselves the task of helping the local community acquire more knowledge and improve skill levels, as well as develop the efficiency and capacity of the youth in general and women in particular. This is all in the aim to activate useful participation towards building a modern society through the use of technology, and employ this approach in achieving the ambitions and goals of the individual, as well as increase the chances of success on the personal level and stimulate its role in working on issues of human rights, cultural values, and public affairs.
Renewable energy & sustainable development (2018-2020)
The actions carried out in the Kahale and Araya areas aim to: contribute to and guarantee sustainable models of production and consumption; ensure everyone has access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy systems; and take urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences. Specifically, the project aims to help create and maintain an electricity production system (photovoltaic) for the fair and sustainable development of the urban area of Kahale, Araya, and the surroundings.
Country: Lebanon
Financing bodies: AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Funding authorities: AICS- Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, VIDES - International Volunteering Women Education Development.
Sector: Solar energy production and supply, and energy education/training
On-site partners: Congrégation des Filles de Marie Auxiliatrice (Salésiennes) - Middle East Province "Adolescent Jesus" - MOR
Italian Partners: COMI - Cooperation for the Developing World; POLIMI - Polytechnic of Milan - Energy Department (UNESCO Chair - "Energy for sustainable development"); ISF-MI Engineering Without Borders (Milan); EWS - Earth Wind & Sun srl
Local Partners: Labora, LCEC, Ministry of Energy and Water, Municipality of Kahale, Municipality of Araya, LSES, ALLC, Fille Marie Auxiliatrice, Fondation Diane, BLC Bank and Universite Saint Joseph.
- Install a photovoltaic lighting system for public street lighting in Kahale and Araya
- Train personnel for installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems
- SME Training
- Install Photovoltaic system for the Don Bosco School Kahale
- Raise awareness and train local populations and institutions to use alternative energy sources
- Promote the use of renewable energy for the population